Vocational Training - Hüpeden & Co.

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Vocational TrainingWe support your professional career start

Vocational Training

For decades, Hüpeden & Co. has made it possible for young people to complete an apprenticeship in the field of foreign trade. We not only offer a three- or two-year apprenticeship to young people terminating it with a diploma from the Chamber of Commerce, but we also offer them the possibility of an apprenticeship combined with a bachelor's degree. Doing so, we cooperate closely with the Institut für Außenhandel at Lämmermarkt (Institute for Foreign Trade) in Hamburg. With this education high school graduates can combine the valuable practical training in foreign trade with the theoretical instruction of a foreign trade-oriented vocational school within 3 ½ years, as well as an additional degree as a "Bachelor of Business Administration" in front of an international university.

Hüpeden provides you with the opportunity to get to know the entire range of an international importer and exporter and to learn the specific expertise of a foreign trader in various specialist areas. This wide range of tasks distinguishes us from others and enables an enormously challenging and varied training.

The following vocational training positions, starting in August are currently available:

  • Vocational training as "Kaufmann/Kauffrau im Groß- und Außenhandel"
  • Vocational training as "Betriebswirt/-in im Außenhandel with degree as Bachelor of Business Administration"

We could arouse your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your complete application documents by e-mail addressed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vocational Training